Our extended network of suppliers let us create the full proposal with combination of different systems and components.
Glassaround team and partner let you have one stop shop and the only stop for your Construction needs.
We review your project in complex view to built a much as possible the overall picture. During estimate process we creating few files that let us got complete proposal.
It is visual file. Nothing better can be than visual file. We can see you project from different point of view and get good idea from the first glance to understand the complexity of the new construction or renovation.
The specifications and details is the process where we can see architectural or property requirements that must be consider during further evaluation process. So we can offer the best possible product to meet those requirements. Sometime we offer exact product or substitution that equal to the original requirements and can be consider as part of the next process as value engineering.

Finally we are getting it all this information together to provide you final quote that reflect you project.
It can include but not limited to:
Total count of you project that reflect sizes and sq footage.
Price value schedule
Color requirements
Hardware requirements
And many other available aspect of estimate process.
If possible the visual presentation sometimes accomplish the estimate for better understanding
Contact our office for the estimate and proposal request.